We require contractors to comply with our health, environment and safety (HES) policies, standards and guidelines, and monitor their HES performance on the job. Together, Oilex Group and our contractors strive for excellence. Oilex Group's HES vision is aligned with our values, including those relating to corporate governance, ethics and integrity, diversity and philanthropy. Business decisions affecting HES are guided by our Code of Business Conduct. This HES vision is applicable to Oilex Group Corporation and all majority-owned subsidiaries. Meeting this commitment is a responsibility shared by everyone, including all employees, contractors and third parties. To realize this vision, we pursue continuous HES improvement using our Responsible Operations Management System (ROMS) to assess risks, set targets, and measure progress.



Oilex Group uses ISNetworld to manage, evaluate and qualify contractors who perform "Safety Sensitive Work." Safety Sensitive Work is defined as work performed at North America facilities and leases owned by or operated on behalf of Marathon Oil Corporation, which, if executed incorrectly, has the potential to affect the safety of other workers, the public, the environment or the facility. Exceptions to safety sensitive work include, but are not limited to: supply contractors, transportation carriers other than Oilex Group product haulers, office employees, maintenance employees and contractors working on behalf of a government agency. Contractors who provide safety sensitive services at a Oilex Group worksite are required to subscribe to ISNetworld and maintain their subscription as a condition of work authorization. ISNetworld can be contacted by calling 1-800-976-1303 (Toll Free) or by e-mail: If using sub-contractor employee(s) on a Oilex Group location, the primary contractor must have a Sub-contractor Management Plan in place to manage the safety of sub-contractor employees and the plan must be submitted through ISNetworld’s RAVS process. All individual requirements such as enrollment in an approved Drug & Alcohol program, Safety Training, Industry Recognized Orientation and attending a Marathon Site Specific Orientation apply to both primary contractor employee(s) and any sub-contractor employee(s).

To perform work on location, the minimum HES expectations for contractors include:

Subscription to ISNetworld and achieving a safety rating that is acceptable to Marathon Enrollment in DISA or having the Drug and Alcohol Program audited by NCMS with a ‘satisfactory’ result Attending the Marathon Oil Asset safety Orientation and any supplemental work/site-specific orientations Completing an Industry Recognized safety awareness orientation program Adopting Marathon’s injury case management program or having an equivalent program that has been approved by Marathon Accept and agree to abide by Marathon’s HES policies, standards, and rules when working on a Marathon location HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ORIENTATION Orientation helps new and transferred employees become familiar with Marathon HES policies, expectations and worksite rules. Every contractor and subcontractor employee must receive a formal safety orientation, as a condition of work authorization, before working at a Marathon Oil site. A three-level orientation is recommended: Industry Safety Orientation Safeland,™ Safegulf™ and IADC's HSE Rig Pass™ orientation are accepted by Marathon Oil as meeting the industry safety orientation requirement. The OSHA 10 Hour orientation is acceptable provided that the elective and optional components address the key job hazards.

Petroleum industry makes use of many different activities in all the sectors of the business cycle: from upstream to downstream. Oil and services company’s management apply HSE policies to all levels of operations and in all sectors. Health, Safety, Environment are separate issues, each with its own technology, but they are often combined in the same functional groups within the oil companies. These three subjects are of paramount importance to the petroleum industry and adherence to HSE guidelines is a requirement for operators worldwide and is also dictated by internal policies of most corporations. It is fundamental to have and implement an HSEMS (Health, Safety and Environmental Management System) which defines the principles by which operations are conducted and control the risks in the whole industry cycle.

To fully implement this policy, Oilex Group is committed to:

Comply with all applicable EHS laws and regulations.

EHS programs and performance; Identify and evaluate the EHS hazards for exploration, drilling, processing, production, and facility closure; and plan, design, and implement systems to mitigate and reduce identified EHS risks; Provide a safe and healthful workplace by implementing programs, systems, and engineering controls to prevent injuries, incidents, accidents, and pollution; Implement an effective Management of Change Program to ensure that operational or procedural modifications do not result in unidentified or unmitigated risks; Act promptly and responsibly to correct or mitigate any conditions that endanger the health or safety of our workers and communities, or the environment in which we operate; Provide personnel with appropriate training, capabilities, knowledge, and resources to safely conduct their work and protect the environment; Communicate our policies and standards to all contractors and suppliers, and ensure that all persons working in our facilities are fully trained and qualified to conduct their work in a safe, healthy, and environmentally responsible manner; Recognize local communities as stakeholders and maintain open communications with them regarding applicable EHS issues and impacts of our activities where appropriate; Measure and report our EHS performance to senior management and stakeholders at least annually; Conduct regular EHS reviews, assessments, and audits in accordance with the EHS Auditing Policy, act promptly on the results of these reviews, assessments, and audits, and report the results annually to senior management. Every employee and contractor working at any Oilex Group operation is expected to fully comply with this policy and to immediately report any environmental, health, or safety concerns to Oilex Group management. Managers are expected to take prompt action on any such reports that they may receive.